Little Compton Town Council 2002 Democrats 'Vote for all 5'


Little Compton democrats ran on a platform of experience, creativity, tolerance, responsibility, humility, and confidence.
Little Compton has always attracted qualified and competent citizens willing to run for town office, and this election cycle was no exception.

Democrats throwing their hat into the 2002 Town Council race were Mark DeSouza, Alex Goulart, Henry Laferriere, Richard Lisle, and Johanna McKenzie. I can't remember which of these candidates prevailed in the 2002 election, however each one of them is civically minded with reputations for giving back to their community.

Although partisan politics has become more prevalent over the years, it wasn't uncommon for political opposites in Little Compton to sign each other's nomination papers. Let's hope that Little Compton continues to set such a fine example of political collegiality.


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